Why Personality Matters in Media
Which do you think has more emotional impact, and creates a longer lasting impression on the consumer? ”What it takes to be a Tiger” or “Less Guessing. More Knowing”? Of course Tiger became a lie and Accenture folded the Tiger Woods campaign the minute the scandal broke. But purely from the perspective of understanding how media marketing works…how would you be spending your money?
I’d place my last dime on a personality. The Accenture Tiger Woods campaign was visually arresting. “What it takes to be a Tiger” has real human emotion embedded within. The fork in the road campaign has zero emotional appeal. Who cares about a fork in the road? Even the Accenture logo is smaller. But people are STILL living and breathing every step Tiger Woods takes along his way towards his path of either success or humiliating failure.
So where do you have your on-air talent embedded within the lives of your audience? Your on-air talent is made up of real people with real emotions. Many of them have a story to tell that others can relate to. OK…it may not be as compelling as the Tiger Woods drama, but the story is there.
User it. Cultive it. Nurture it. Market it.
Because people want to hear the story behind your on-air personalities and they want to follow them along their life’s journey. Create the story and try to understand the power that may be sitting right in front of you. Drama builds ratings, and people create the drama.